Perfect weather, average temperatures and a cheerful crew – that’s how takes off this time from runway 34 of the Vienna airport VIE. For the first time, a takeoff of a flight is shown from three perspectives – from the cockpit, from a witness’ point of view next to the airstrip, and from the tower. A couple of minutes after takeoff Captain Fritz Strahammer, AUA chief pilot and his co-pilots Tarek Siddiqui and Josef Trattner will change from the Vienna air space to Bratislava Control. The manoeuvre to another air space will be repeated a couple of times until the Boeing lands in Tokyo – however always with different dialects. It’s a dream flight: calm weather and an amazing sun rise as it can only be seen over the clouds. A highlight that makes astonishing impressions possible, is a coincidental rendezvous over the Russian Taiga with a Lufthansa 747-400, which flies very close underneath the 777. This is one of the spectacular moments which contributes to the success of the series.
A sight into the captain’s office
During the flight, Captain Strahammer lets the viewer in on the basics of the Boeing 777 cockpit. What is the function of the left and right display, which buttons does a pilot need most? Why does the altimeter automatically show the height of the plane also in "meters" rather than "feet", which is the more customary aviation measurement?
Exact visualisation with ‘Moving GPS-Tracks’
For the first time "Moving GPS-Tracks" are used in a To visualise the position and the covered distance even better and to make it more comprehensible, this technique which uses Google Earth to follow the flight route, will be used regularly from now on.
ca. 90 min.